Fiona: just saw a hilariously scrabbly puppy run around in a circle too fast, fall on its face and recover immediately. new spirit animal, yes/yes?
Mike: I'd say...Yes?!
Fiona: "i'd fight gandhi."
"...good answer."
Mike: Ah fight club. Many a young man's confusing introduction to testosterone.
Fiona: and the start of many a young girl's unsettling sexual attraction to sweaty blood-covered men.
Mike: I count on that daily.
Fiona: ah, new york: the city with no eye contact. it's good to be back.
Alanty: Hahaha. Dispatch from washington heights, capital of baffling street harassment: (man looks at me) damn, I paid 50 dollars too much! (???)
Fiona: dude, that liquid eyeliner is so choice. i'll never doubt your makeup recommendations again.
Ninty: Darn tootin! I love that eyeliner! Like a marker! The choice-iest! Lol
Fiona: it's so easy!
Ninty: Helllls yeah. Will make people believe we have ballin' makeup skills we dont' actually possess.
Ninty: I'm watching usa v. Algeria. SO EFFIN TENSE. lol
Fiona: OH MAN. they're screening it on the 11th floor with coffee and donuts but the hr guy i hate is there so i don't wanna go Ninty: If he leaves, YOU GOTTA CHECK IT lol.
Fiona: i watched the game from minute 68 on! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHIT! those algerian rogues with their nonstop fouls. also 91st minute goal! fucking AMAAAAAAAZING
Fiona: i watched the game from minute 68 on! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHIT! those algerian rogues with their nonstop fouls. also 91st minute goal! fucking AMAAAAAAAZING
Ninty: SERIOUSLY. total insanity! Pure american balls made that possible. EAT IT, ALGERIA.
Fiona: AHAHAH i just emailed your text to my coworkers who were also watching cause it was so awes.Marge: WOOOOO!!!! Eclipse viewing with Alana and Sarah etc?? It's supposed to be horrible but we can ogle some sweet vampire action.
Fiona: oh my god yes let's! not to get your hopes up but there is a refreshing amount of plot in eclipse!
Marge: FUCK YEAH! But I was looking forward to that camera circling thingy where nothing happens for 4 months. Should I read the book first? Cuz I'll do it, I will!
Fiona: ahahaa cinematic genius. i don't think it's necessary, it's not like you'd be like "the book was way better" but it wouldn't take you very long should you choose to do so
Marge: I think I had better. I might not understand the complexities of the relationships otherwise, which would be devastating. WOOOO I say!!
Fiona: it's very hard to follow. easy to confuse the brooding with the glowering and the glittering with the sparkling. "wait, which one is like a russet adonis and which one is like a marble tribute to a forgotten god of beauty?"
Marge: AHAHAHAHA. I tried to read your text aloud to Alana but was laughing so hard I hadda just show it to her and now she is too.
Fiona: also that dude with the cut lip: fiiiiiiine!
Ninty: I KNOW. I had my eye on him the whole game. Also: jozy altidore. FIIIIINE. And two months younger than me! I feel so unaccomplished!
Fiona: we can't all be sexy soccah playahs, some of us just gotta be playahs reg-steez
Ninty: Ahaha indeed!